Revolution Software Development Club

Revolution SDC from its very beginning has only one intention and that is to spread knowledge about the upcoming technologies and that every passionate programmer has hands on experience and is trained for the Industry.

What do we do?

  • Workshops / Webinars.
  • Technical Interview Questions.
  • Real-World Projects.
  • Providing technical content weeekly on social media.
Various Departments of the Club
  • Human Resource Department
  • Technology Departemnt
  • Project Department
  • Design Department
  • Social and Outreach Department
Basic skills we are looking for.
  • Willingness to learn
  • The most important quality! All the enthusiasts, tinkerers, hackers, geeks, hobbyists, dabblers, experimenters, autodidacts, we want you on our team!

  • Professionalism
  • Setting your own deadlines and pace, as well as completing tasks on time and to the best of your abilities. We are looking for people who hold themselves to that higher standard and are dedicated and committed individuals who are punctual, attentive, and responsible.

  • Communication skills
  • : People who are able to get their thoughts and ideas across in a concise and unambiguous way. This also includes writing good documentation, comments, descriptive changelogs, well-formed instructions, etc.